RI opens Round 2 of grants applications – Deadline extended until October 15, 2018

29 August 2018

rehab title

Rehabilitation International announces the opening of its 2018 Round 2 Request for Proposals for both the Global Disability Development Fund (GDDF) and Africa Fund (AF).

Applications will be accepted from the 1 September to the 15 October 2018. Send applications and required support documents to the RI Secretariat c/o Secretary General Venus Ilagan: venusmilagan@yahoo.com


Global Disability Development Fund (GDDF) General Grant Guidelines


Global Disability Development Fund (GDDF) of Rehabilitation International supports projects in the fields of rehabilitation, education and empowerment and poverty alleviation. All activities and projects, independent or collaborative, must directly benefit persons with disabilities and those who work with them. Projects to be supported by GDDF will normally be of one-year duration.

The GDDF has two rounds of applications per year. The GDDF Management Committee has the right to call for further applications.

Application Process

1.After carefully reading the GDDF General Grant Guidelines, applicants shall submit completed application forms together with required attachments to the RI Secretariat c/o the Secretary General (SG) preferably by email by the dates stated in the RFP.

Address: 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 422 New York, NY 10017
Email: venusmilagan@yahoo.com

2. The RI SG will acknowledge receipt of the application, check the documents submitted to ensure that all required information are provided including project goals and objectives, problems to be addressed, activities to be carried out, identification of possible matching funds for sustainability, consultation with the donor on the appropriateness of the amount requested and a letter from the RI member confirming the relationship to the satisfaction of the Management Committee. Additional documentation may be requested.

3. After the compliance review, the SG will forward the applications to the Management Committee which will conduct a multi-stage review involving multiple stakeholders. The Management Committee’s decision is final.

4. Applicants will be informed by the SG of the Management Committee’s decision, including those whose applications were not considered for funding.

5. The grant allocation schedule will be determined by the Management Committee on a case-to-case basis.

Who can apply

  • RI Members and other entities
  • Organizations in collaboration with RI members

Funding limit

The maximum amount that can be granted under GDDF is U.S. $100,000.

The maximum amount that can be granted under AF is U.S. $30,000.


*GDDF does not fund the following:

  • Groups funded by, led by, or structurally/economically dependent on political parties or religious institutions.
  • International donor organizations
  • Businesses, academic research, scholarships and request for travel grants.


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