With the financial support of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Rehabilitation International, in collaboration with the Disabled Organisation for Legal Affairs and Social Economic Development (DOLASED), Miracles in Mozambique (MIM), and Prof. Nora Groce of Yale University, carried out a project focused on HIV/AIDS, leadership and human rights education. It targeted adolescents and young adults with disabilities in Tanzania and Mozambique.
The project’s main goal was to build the capacity of emerging leaders from the disability community and of HIV/AIDS outreach workers in Tanzania and Mozambique to address disability-specific human rights issues in conjunction with HIV/AIDS awareness, as well as create prevention materials that met the particular needs of adolescents and young adults with disabilities. The primary beneficiaries of this project were adolescents and young adults with disabilities (ages 12-30) of both genders; there was a particular focus on ensuring that at least 50 percent of participants in all activities were young women.
The project produced three main outputs:
- Increased enjoyment of additional rights for the full participation, equality, and empowerment of persons with disabilities in Africa through more inclusive national legislation and partnerships among key actors.
- Disability rights and HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education materials, and training manuals designed for adolescents and young adults with disabilities in Africa, with special emphasis on young women with disabilities; and
- Disability rights and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention training models for emerging adult leaders from the disability community and for HIV/AIDS outreach workers.