
For most people, the term accessibility refers to access: access to information, access to communication and access to basic needs. To disabled people, accessibility is a vital component in achieving their full participation in society; it has become society’s responsibility to reduce the barriers that prevent this access.

Disaster Management
Persons with disabilities are approximately two to four times more likely to die than the general population when a disaster occurs. Often, disability perspectives are not included in legal frameworks, policies and action plans for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and physical infrastructure and disaster response services do not incorporate universal design principles.

Habilitation & Rehabilitation
Without adequate habilitation and rehabilitation services, persons with disabilities may not be able to work, go to school, or participate in cultural, sports, or leisure activities. At the same time, barriers to other human rights can prevent persons with disabilities from claiming the right to habilitation and rehabilitation.

Supporting Education
The right to education applies to everybody. However, a very small minority of children with currently access education in most developing countries. This has huge effects on development in general, as well as the global mainstreaming of disability issues.

CRPD Empowerment
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities marked a “paradigm shift” in attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are no longer treated or viewed as objects of charity in need of social protection.

Women & Disability
Women with disabilities throughout the world often suffer from a “triple” discrimination: that of having a disability, of living in poverty, and of being female. Women with disabilities, especially in developing countries, are one of the most marginalized groups in the world.

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