

RI Global’s Commission on Education advises on the creation and promotion of educational opportunities for children and youth with disabilities.

RI Global’s Commission on Education advises on the creation and promotion of educational opportunities for children and youth with disabilities. The Commission also facilitates the provision of integrated services and inclusive quality education for the participation of disabled people. The work broadly comprises:

  • Fostering the implementation of the UN CRPD with a with special focus on Article 24: Education.
  • Advocating the provision of facilities and services for inclusive education in different regions by Regional Chairpersons of Education Commission.
  • Sharing the successful experiences of other countries in inclusive education with a view to replicate the same in respective countries/regions with appropriate modifications.
  • Conducting scientific meetings on education related issues at Regional RI Global Assemblies.
  • Initiating and following up on distance and e-learning facilities for youth with disabilities.


Pauliina Lampinen

RI Education Commission

Tone Mørk

Vice Chair
RI Education Commission

The Award will draw more attention to disability affairs and inspire greater contributions to a more equal, inclusive and accessible society.

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Laureates of the Rehabilitation International Award for Outstanding Achievements 2023

In 2019, RI aiming to draw more attention to disability affairs and inspire greater contributions to a more equal, inclusive, and accessible society worldwide, initiated the Rehabilitation International Award for Outstanding Achievements, recognizing individuals...

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