International RI Symposium

29 June 2018

Benefits & Conditions of Sports
regarding Health and Participation
of People with Disabilities

16th of August 2018
         09:00 am

With following opportunity to participate in the opening ceremony
and opening game of the Wheelchair Basketball World Championships.

Hotel Grand Elysée Hamburg
Rothenbaumchaussee 10
20148 Hamburg, Germany




Programme: (subject to change)

08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome speeches and programme presentation
 Ingrid Körner, Government Coordinator for equality of disabled people of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
 Roy O’Shaughnessy, RI-Global (Vice-President, Europe)

Session 1: The scientific evidence of the benefits of sports

09:30 From the perspective of health
Prof. Dr. Thomas Abel, Vice Head Institute of Movement and Neurosciences, German Sport University Cologne
09:55 From the perspective of participation
PhD Anne Merete Kissow, Senior Lecturer, Danish Disability Sport Information Centre

10:20 Coffee break

Session 2: Measures for health promotion and injury prevention for sportsmen with disabilities
10:50 Behavioural and environmental prevention
Birgit Juul-Kristensen, Associate professor, Head of Centre for Research in Adapted Physical Activity, Department of Sports Science, University of Southern Denmark
11:15 Injury and Illness Surveillance as a tool to develop prevention strategies in
Disabled sports
Katharina Faßbender, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Clinic for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery

11:40 Lunch

Session 3: How to initiate physical activities and sports

12:40 How to support people with disabilities in finding the right sports
John Petersson, President of Parasport Denmark, former President of the European Paralympic Committee
13:05 Perspectives and limitations of inclusive sports (Norwegian perception)
Mads Andreassen, Head of Activity Development of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee

Session 4: Inclusive Sports – conditions and best practice

13:30 Practical examples of an inclusive sports club
Stefan Schenck, Vice-President of the Association for Disabled- and Rehabilitation-Sports, Berlin
13:55 Examples of Inclusive Sports Provision
Alan Walsh, Coordinator of No Limits – Inclusive Sports Club, London
14:20 Closing words and future cooperation in RI Commission on Leisure,
Recreation and Physical Activities
14:50 End of the event / Coffee

15:15 Departure to the opening ceremony and opening game of the Wheelchair
Basketball World Championships by shuttle service

For details: LRPA symposium Programme (2) (1)

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