RI Global Position Paper: Global Advocacy on the CRPD

6 April 2016

rehab title

RI Global: Office of Communications

Contact: Adrian Brune, +1 347-759-9501

Through its Global Advocacy Campaign, Rehabilitation International works with its members and partners to build the capacity of disabled persons’ organizations, civil society organizations, parliamentarians, government officials, the legal community and other key stakeholders on implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). RI facilitates greater global ratification of the CRPD through the following three step approach:

Information: Creating and disseminating resources on the CRPD; documenting good practices; conducting trainings; producing publications and newsletters; issuing press releases; and facilitating collaboration by creating common campaign platforms.

Advocacy: Promoting disability rights and inclusion on the global and regional level through outreach to multilateral institutions; participation at the United Nations; and mobilization of RI’s global membership network. Advocacy campaigns comprise letter writing, outreach strategies, promotion of self advocates and targeted petitioning.

Reform: Conducting national level research and preparing recommendations on disability legislation, especially those laws related to access to justice and legal capacity, in order to facilitate bringing national law in line with the CRPD. In addition, national conferences, workshops, and trainings are held to promote the recommendations and develop a unified plan of action for greater implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the CRPD.


RI Global: Founded in 1922, Rehabilitation International (RI Global) is a worldwide network promoting the rights and inclusions of persons with disabilities (PwDs) through advocacy, habilitation and rehabilitation to achieve an inclusive world in which all people can enjoy full human rights.

Join us at the 2016 RI Global World Congress: riworldcongress.com

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