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RI Global has a long history of advocating for the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities worldwide.
RI Global’s membership includes a broad range of organizations and agencies working in the field of disability rights and services. RI Global has approximately 1,000 member organizations in 100 countries, including governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations, public and private not-for-profit rehabilitation providers, disability advocacy organizations, consumer organizations, self-help groups and individuals. RI Global continually welcomes new organizations who share this dynamic global network’s vision.
RI has a long history of advocating for the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities worldwide. RI was a leader in the fight for the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and since its adoption on December 13, 2006, RI has focused its advocacy efforts on the full implementation of the CRPD. Being a global organization with members in over 100 countries and having consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has enabled RI to carry out advocacy efforts on a national, regional, and international basis. RI’s advocacy work has included letter-writing campaigns, press releases, publications, training, and capacity-building seminars, speaking at international events, legal analysis and reform of national disability laws, holding meetings with members of governments, and other efforts aimed at promoting the ratification and effective implementation of the CRPD.
RI continuously seeks to work in collaboration with other like-minded organizations striving to advance the right and inclusion of persons with disabilities worldwide, and we welcome new partnership opportunities. Partners benefit from working with RI members and gain the expertise of RI’s Executive Committee and specialized Commissions.
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100% of every contribution goes towards our projects around the world
The RI Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that RI has the resources to carry out innovative and results-oriented programs to empower persons with disabilities in all parts of the world. By creating a solid financial base for RI, the Foundation enables RI to advance the rights and inclusion of the more than 650 million persons with disabilities worldwide and bring about lasting social change.