E-Course on ‘Insidious Violence and women with disabilities

1 February 2021

Our RI Member – Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre (SMRC) in collaboration with Development Research Institute and Women with Disabilities India Network aims to organize an online – course from 22nd February to 3rd March 2021 to increase knowledge on gender issues with focus on Gender Based Violence against women with disabilities and Living Independently and Being included in the Community from a human rights perspective. This web-based course entitled ‘Insidious Violence and women with disabilities’. Faculty will be conducted by women academics and activists of national and international repute.,

Global pandemic has impacted the entire international community and a change in social order is experienced worldwide. Among other issues, certain groups are affected more than others. Women with disabilities for instance, are one such group, facing violence within the home, experiencing homelessness or in institutions. There has been immense violence worldwide against them by police and security forces, denial of health services to them especially women in institutions, and increasing violence within the homes. In developing countries like India and most of Asia and Africa, they have been forced to experience constraints in access to education due to lack of smart phones and avenues of employment. The high level of violence and marginalization is not a new ‘normal’ but a continuation from their daily lives before the pandemic set in, however the magnitude has increased manifold.
Women with disabilities
Research and activist work on Article 6 has shown that women, girls and gender non-confirming persons with disabilities face discrimination at many levels. Many laws exist but barriers prohibit implementation, leaving women behind when they cannot access to services and social protection.
This course will also pay due attention to Art 19 and institutionalization. It is linked to gender-based violence especially in the case of women with psycho-social disabilities who face torture and extreme violence at the hands of families, medical practitioners and the community. Chained, physically violated, institutionalized with no exit possibilities, health care equipment and medicines used without their consent. The women’s right to live independently and in the community is infringed upon in a manner that renders them voiceless and invisible. On the other hand, within communities, women with disabilities are disadvantaged in multifarious ways, from social stigma to discrimination to barriers in accessing rights, services and entitlements. Policy and its non-implementation raises, many questions which needs to be part of our discourse. The course will raise these issues.
Despite the barriers women with disabilities are coming together to create solidarity and providing a new leadership. How this is happening is another issue that we need to bring it to the public.

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