Every Dollar Makes a Difference
The RI Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that RI has the resources to carry out innovative and results-oriented programs to empower persons with disabilities in all parts of the world. By creating a solid financial base for RI, the Foundation enables RI to advance the rights and inclusion of the more than 650 million persons with disabilities worldwide and bring about lasting social change.

100% of every contribution goes towards our projects around the world
Empowerment Circle
The Foundation greatly appreciates generous contributions from individuals within RI’s leadership and network, and welcome new partners and supporters. For more information on how to become a member of the Empowerment Circle, a special group of benefactors who support the initiatives of RI, please email: rif@riglobal.org
Foundation Activities
On May 28, 2009 the RI Foundation hosted its first-ever benefit “Empowerment. Inclusion. Access: Unlocking the Potential of Children and Youth with Disabilities.”
The event raised money to support RI’s programs to empower persons with disabilities and bring about real change in their communities, and was a success in increasing awareness about the rights of the millions of children and young people with disabilities. The benefit took place at the Liechtenstein Residence and was hosted by H. E. Ambassador Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of Liechtenstein to the United Nations, H. E. Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations and Juana Caicedo-Selinger, RI Foundation Treasurer. Over 100 prominent members of the corporate sector, UN and legal community and disability community attended. Highlights of the event included presentation of the inaugural Sir Harry Fang Empowerment Award to Munira Al-Mutawa, Founder of the Kuwaiti Society for the Handicapped and Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Senior Operations Officer and Disability Advisor at the World Bank, who have been particularly active in advocating for children and youth. The Sir Harry Fang Empowerment Award for Leadership in Promoting Disability Rights and Inclusion recognizes the important contributions of individuals or organizations to empower persons with disabilities around the world and make a more inclusive society. The award is in honor of former RI President Sir Harry Fang, who was an innovator, advocate and a leader in promoting disability rights and inclusion. Also, a short film on RI’s work in the field, “Empowerment. Inclusion. Access. RI at Work” was premiered.