Featured Projects

International Accessibility Symbol Design Competition

International Accessibility Symbol Design Competition

INTERNATIONAL ACCESSIBILITY SYMBOL DESIGN COMPETITION INTERNATIONAL ACCESSIBILITY SYMBOL DESIGN COMPETITIONThe International Union of Architects (UIA) and Rehabilitation International (RI) are jointly inviting submissions for a twenty-first...

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RI Announces Award Winners of the RI Centennial Award for Significant Contribution  

On the occasion of RI’s centennial anniversary, we have announced the RI Centennial Award of Significant Contributions that will be presented in conjunction with our Centennial Anniversary Celebrations that will take place in Beijing, China from May 20 to 23, 2023,...

Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction

Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction

When a disaster takes place, persons with disabilities are approximately two to four times more likely to die than the general population. But disability perspectives are seldom included in legal frameworks, policies and action plans for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)....

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