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Improving DPO Stakeholders’ Understanding and Monitoring of Disability Inclusive Development and Advancing the Implementation of CRPD Article 32 – funded by the Rehabilitation International Global Disability Development Fund

Improving DPO Stakeholders’ Understanding and Monitoring of Disability Inclusive Development and Advancing the Implementation of CRPD Article 32 – funded by the Rehabilitation International Global Disability Development Fund

The United States International Council on Disabilities’ (USICD) Improving DPO Stakeholder’s Understanding and Monitoring of Disability Inclusive Development and Advancing the Implementation of CRPD Article 32 project provides accessible, high quality online training...

Mask Distribution to Children with Disabilities implemented by Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre, India – funded by the Rehabilitation International Global Disability Development Fund

Mask Distribution to Children with Disabilities implemented by Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre, India – funded by the Rehabilitation International Global Disability Development Fund

COVID 19 brought in new rehabilitation needs for persons with disabilities. For many, this has meant an increased demand for rehabilitation worldwide. We found that many required (I) Special Rehabilitation services to meet needs of lungs affected by the virus, back...

Air travel still a nightmare for people with disabilities

For many people with disabilities, routine airline travel, including getting to the gate and on and off the plane, remains a nightmare in the US, according to responses received by a question posed on social media by the U.S. media outlet NPR. Although Congress...

Law eases voting for people with disabilities

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law making voting easier for people with disabilities on Nov. 15, 2021, and created a group to study removal of further barriers.The law also makes adjustments in deadlines and other technical requirements for candidates in primary election...

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