Announcing the RI Award for Outstanding Achievements 2019

12 August 2019

Founded in 1922, Rehabilitation International (RI) is an international NGO that is dedicated to advancing the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities, with member organizations covering more than 100 countries and regions. It enjoys special consultative status with the United Nations Social and Economic Council.

The RI Award for Outstanding Achievements 2019

RI is delighted to announce the application for the RI Award for Outstanding Achievements 2019 is now open.

The celebration is an international award to recognize individuals and organizations who or which have made outstanding contributions to the work for people with disabilities.

The Award is intended to promote the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and advance the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities globally.

Championing the concept of enabling and empowering of persons with disabilities, the RI Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2019 will emphasize achievements and contributions in the following three categories:

The Award in the Field of Humanitarianism: will be given to an individual or organization who or which has made outstanding achievements in humanitarian activities. Such achievements include but are not limited to demonstrating outstanding humanitarianism by continuously taking care of people with disabilities, substantial contribution in safeguarding the rights and dignity of people with disabilities, eliminating discrimination against people with disabilities, and advocating inclusion and equal participation for people with disabilities;

The Award in the Field of Rehabilitation: will be given to an individual or organization who or which has made outstanding achievements in rehabilitation. Such achievements include but are not limited to facilitating rehabilitation with excellent medical expertise, boosted rehabilitation-related industries, etc.;

The Award in the Field of Innovation: will be given to an individual or organization who or which has made outstanding achievements in innovation. Such achievements include but are not limited to breakthroughs in the concept, application or methodology of the work for people with disabilities, technology innovation in areas such as rehabilitation, accessibility, assistive technology, etc.

There will be one winner only for each category.

Each winner will be granted a citation, a medal, and a considerable amount of prize bonus.

The celebration is an international award open to all: RI members, related disability organizations, international organizations, individuals, experts and champions for the rights and interests of persons with disabilities. All are welcome to apply for the Award, or indeed recommend qualified applicants,

All applicant submissions must be received by August 31, 2019.

Potential candidates are kindly asked to submit (1) the completed Application Form:

Application for RI Awards 2019 (for organizations)

Application for RI Awards 2019 (for individuals)

(2) two letters of recommendation from individuals or organizations with good reputation and influence, and (3) relevant supporting documentation, to email : and also copy the application to :

The winners for each of the three categories will be announced in September, and be invited to attend the RI Award Ceremony which will take place during RI’s Governing Assembly meeting in Moscow in early November 2019.

For further information on the RI Award for Outstanding Achievements 2019, please see the enclosed Introduction to RI Award for Outstanding Achievements or contact or

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